Diseases and Conditions

Klinefelter syndrome

Coping and support

Treatment, health education and social support can greatly benefit individuals with Klinefelter syndrome.

Boys with Klinefelter syndrome

If you have a son with Klinefelter syndrome, you can help promote healthy mental, physical, emotional and social development.

  • Learn about Klinefelter syndrome. Then you can provide accurate information, support and encouragement.
  • Monitor your son's development carefully. Seek help for problems you notice, such as trouble with speech or language.
  • Keep regular follow-up appointments with medical professionals. This may help prevent future problems.
  • Encourage participation in sports and physical activities. These activities will help build muscle strength and motor skills.
  • Encourage social opportunities and participation in group activities. These activities can help develop social skills.
  • Work closely with your son's school. Teachers, school counselors and administrators who understand your son's needs can make a big difference.
  • Learn what support is available. For example, ask about special education services, if needed.
  • Connect with other parents. Klinefelter syndrome is a common condition, and you — and your son — aren't alone. Ask your doctor about internet resources and support groups that may help answer questions and ease concerns.

Men with Klinefelter syndrome

If you have Klinefelter syndrome, you may benefit from these self-care measures:

  • Work closely with your doctor. Appropriate treatment can help you maintain your physical and mental health and prevent problems later in life, such as osteoporosis.
  • Investigate your options for planning a family. You and your partner may want to talk to a doctor or other health professional about your options.
  • Talk with others who have the condition. There are a number of resources that provide information about Klinefelter syndrome and can offer the perspectives of other men and their partners who cope with the condition. Many men also find it helpful to join a support group.